NIME 2022 is accepting six different kinds of submissions: papers, installations, music, workshops, demos, and doctoral consortium papers. Please follow our guidelines below based on your desired participation.
All submissions will require a PubPub account, which you can create via the button below.1 Please ensure you are logged into your account when you begin the submission process.
Our templates offer formatting guidelines as well as tips for how to use this platform. For detailed instructions about editing and formatting Pubs, please refer to this link. For additional help, you can visit, or email [email protected].
Submission procedure (regardless of submission type):
Create an account on PubPub if you do not have one already.
Login to your PubPub account and return to this page (once logged in).
To create a Pub — click the “Create [your submission type] Submission” button on this page. This will be your submitted work and will eventually be published if accepted by the review process. Save the URL for later reference.
Follow the Pub template to create your submission. The easiest way to follow the template is to manually copy it (all templates are linked below) and paste it into the Pub that is created when you click on the “Create [your submission type] Submission” button2.
Download your Pub as a PDF. The “DOWNLOAD” button is located at the top right, in the vertical navigation bar next to your Pub title. Make sure that the popup window is not caught by the popup blocker.
Submit the PDF and your PubPub URL (a “Copy View URL“ can be retrieved by clicking on the “SHARING” button in the vertical navigation bar next to your Pub title) to NIME2022’s Conference Management System (CMT). Please make sure your PDF is anonymized and does not disclose your name or affiliation.
Click this link to access the paper template:
Copy the template above and paste it into the empty Pub that is created when clicking on this button:
Click this link to access the installation template:
Copy the template above and paste it into the empty Pub that is created when clicking on this button:
Click this link to access the music template:
Copy the template above and paste it into the empty Pub that is created when clicking on this button:
Click this link to access the workshop template:
Copy the template above and paste it into the empty Pub that is created when clicking on this button:
Click this link to access the demo template:
Copy the template above and paste it into the empty Pub that is created when clicking on this button:
Click this link to access the doctoral consortium template:
Copy the template above and paste it into the empty Pub that is created when clicking on this button: