All paper submissions will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer-review process by an international committee of experts.
All of the submitted papers should demonstrate rigorous research methodology and will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
academic quality
appropriateness of topic
ethical standards
paper organization
Authors should also familiarize themselves with the NIME statements on diversity and environmental issues. It is expected that authors respect the Ethical guidelines for NIME publications.
The review process is as follows:
Each paper submission will be assigned to at least 3 reviewers for independent evaluation.
A meta-reviewer will moderate a discussion amongst the reviewers, write a summary review, and recommend whether to accept the paper.
The paper chairs will make the final decision on paper acceptance and will inform the author(s) of their decision along with the reviewers’ comments.
Please note this review process is double-blind, meaning reviewers remain anonymous to the authors and vice-versa.