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A brief description of the project
Up to 300 words
Select one of the two options
Option 1: “New NIME” - traditional NIME music sessions aimed at showcasing pieces performed or composed with new interfaces for musical expression.
Option 2: “NIMEs with a story” - dedicated to NIMEs that have been presented before. This includes new pieces for interfaces that have been previously presented at NIME or outside of NIME.
Up to 300 words
Up to 200 words
Will be used in conference promotional material both digital and physical
Will be used as abstract in the conference proceedings
1 to 5 high-resolution images or photographs in .jpg format
1 video documentation of the performance in .mp4 format
The identity and affiliations of the author(s) should not be mentioned in the title, description or opening/closing credits of the submitted media.
Please note that while embeds from YouTube or Soundcloud are possible, we recommend uploading all media into your submission using the platform’s media button.
NIME 2022 Music Submission - Audio Example
NIME 2022 Music Submission - Video Example
NIME 2022 Music Submission - Image Example
An ethics statement (from 100 to 500 words) has to be included in all music submissions. In this section, authors are encouraged to reflect on any ethical issues connected with their performance. To this respect, we invite authors to familiarise themselves with the NIME Principles & Code of Practice on Ethical Research and to discuss applicable ethical issues, among which:
Information on how matters of accessibility, inclusion and sustainability have been addressed in their work
Information on how matters of sustainability have been addressed in their work
Information regarding sources of funding
Potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial)
Please notice that this section will be reviewed as part of the paper by the reviewers in terms of considering methodological issues.
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